Saturday, June 12, 2010

Update April and May

Dear friends,
Spring has gone and we are now at the end of the summer season. Temperatures that were above 40C and humidity at 86% for many weeks have now cooled down to 35C. It has been a busy season for us.
In March we held Pastor Conferences with several hundred pastors attending. Many of the pastors traveled hundreds of KM to attend. Thank you to Pastor Marshall Eizenga from Waterloo Ontario who spoke at the conferences. We hwldo two days seminor.The first day Pastor Marshall spoke on the subject The Holey Spirt. The second day he spoke on the subject Leadership. It was an eye opener and we got some very good feed back from the local pastors.
Also during the same time we held a special woman’s meeting our special speaker Sandra McIntosh shared. Over two hundred ladies attended the meeting. Sandra edified and uplifted the ladies speaking to them about how beautiful they are in God's eyes. How special and precious they are to him. These ladies were touched and ministered to by Sandra and her word.
In May we held special revival meetings. The dates were the 18th 19th and 20th of May. The day the meetings were to begin a tropical storm blew in and the weather forecast was rain, wind and thunderstorms for all three days. We asked people to pray that the weather will hold. The first night the weather was beautiful with just a sprinkle of rain from time to time. Our special speaker Brother Williams who spoke and sang the word of God. Brother Williams spoke on the righteous path, the path of peace, the path of purity and the path to heaven. Over one thousand people attended the first night.

On day two the storm was full force our stage, banners and most of our lights were destroyed, blow away or damaged. By three o'clock in the afternoon the decision was made to cancel the meeting.

But by the third night the weather had miraculously cleared and we went ahead with the third day meeting. With over one thousand four hundred people attending brother Moses Rajasekar spoke, sang and testified of God's goodness. Brother Moses is compltely blind and is dependent on dialsis and yet travels throught out India and the world singing and preaching.
We want to thank everyone that prayed for the meetings we saw many people come forward for healing and salvation. It was a true miracle that we were able to hold the two meetings!

Things have been quiet at the children’s home the past month. Many of the children go home for summer holidays. While the children were away God provided the funds so that we could have a play ground installed at the home.

Construction has stopped at the church in Avadi. We were able to finish the foundation and floor and start the construction on the walls. We can not continue this project with out your help. Please pray that we will be able to finish this project before the rainy season. If you are interested in more information about our church building project please have a look at our prior blog you can email us

Looking to the coming month, in July we are expecting a team from Agincourt Pentecostal Church. We look forward to this team Lead by Pastor Laura Bogner focusing on children’s ministry.
This year we have at least two more teams coming our way. 2010 is becoming a very busy year for us.
Please continue to pray for our family our budget is still in deficit and we are believing that God will work a miracle in this area.

Prasad and Dawn

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