Saturday, November 22, 2008

Greetings Friends,

If I had to sum the past eight weeks or so only one word would describe them busy with a capital “B”. On the 6th of October my Rev Carmen Crockett his wife Colleen their daughter Jessica and their Church member Elizabeth Baker arrived after a long journey that began in Greenwood Nova Scotia. Carmen has been a pastor with the PAOC for over 23 years and we were very excited to hold revival meetings with him. I admit we were a little reluctant going into the meetings with all the violence against Christians in Orissia and even right here in Tamil Nadu but as always God is faithful. We want to thank everyone that prayed for us during the meetings because God’s hand of protection was upon us and there was a great moving of his Holy Spirit. While the monsoon rains poured down on the second night, God’s spirit poured out on his people. And we saw several people filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues for the first time.

On the third night we saw people delivered and several set free from pain and healed right before our eyes. As Prasad and Carmen prayed for the last two people the heavens opened up and the meetings came to an end.

While Carmen was here we were also able to make a visit to our children’s home where we had a small party. I am not sure who had more fun the adults or the children.

As we said goodbye at the airport we gained a new member to our family. My niece Jessica will be staying with us over the next months as a PAOC short term missionary. She will be working in Children’s ministry as well as helping with Hannah and Asha’s home schooling. She will also be helping us with our media.

Just a few days later we welcomed Murray Cornelius and Jim Cantelon founder of Visionledd and former co host of Cross Road Communications. While they were with us here in Chennai we held a pastors seminar. The topic of the seminar was how we as the church can reach people suffering from Aids, as well as orphans and widows left behind because of Aids. It was a very eye opening and revealing look into the problem that is raging in India. This was the first conference that Jim had ever held in India.

Our next visitor Janinne Collins from Saskatoon Saskatchewan she was with us for two weeks. This was Jannie’s first mission trip and her focus was on women and children’s ministry. Janinne has a very powerful and personal testimony of how God brought her through miscarriage and post partum depression. This spoke in a mighty way to several of our ladies and opened door for us to minister to them. She also spoke to our widows and encouraged them in who they are in Christ. She also blessed all of our ladies with packets of toiletries.

We also spent several evenings ministering to the local children in the villages sharing the gospel with them and their parents as well. It was a great blessing to see the children’s faces light up as we sang songs and as Jannine shared the story of the “Good Shepard”.

We want to thank Jannine for taking time to come and minister to so many people here in Chennai. We also want to thank all who donated items for her to bring either to the children’s home or to our widows and women’s ministries.

Also this month we had Carol Perrin with us for a few days before she left for Andra Pradesh.

As we look ahead to the Christmas season and begin our plans for Christmas parties and our widow’s ministry it can be a bit overwhelming. Every year we have a Christmas dinner for the widows and buy them each a sari and give them a small amount of money so that they can have a joyful Christmas. We also have a special dinner for the children.

If you would like to contribute towards these Christmas expenses, you can make a check payable to PAOC and mention “India Samson’s Christmas special project” when you send your donation to the national office.
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Prasad, Dawn, Hannah and Asha

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