Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Help Build A Church In India

Dear Friends,
After almost four months away it is good to be home. These past two weeks I have been struggling to recover from jet lag and climate readjustment. It's difficult explaining to your body that it is now on the other side of the world again.

I want to thank everyone that made our visit to Canada such a success. Asha and so appreciate your hospitality and kindness. Have a look below at our latest project.

This update we want to bring to you an urgent need for a new headquarters church. The building was built 40 years ago as a temporary structure and is now falling apart. The walls are crumbling and the roof has started caving in.  On Easter Sunday we baptized 23 new converts and we are now full to capacity. Our need is to build a bigger facility that will hold the whole congregation so they can gather inside out of the blazing sun. 
Church from the front.
Church from the side.
The church will be used for Sunday worship services but also Pastors seminars, revival meetings and community out reach. The budget for the new church is $90,000 CAD. 
You can help by: Sending a team, committing to build part of the building, for example the basement, walls, flooring or the roof each will cost approximately $10,000 CAD.  Inviting us to share the vision and take up a love offering for the project.

Church from the back.
Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help build a church in India.

Thank you,

Prasad and Dawn

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