Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Dear Friends,

The past few weeks have been full! Revival meetings, a retreat, specials guests and laying a corner stone for a new church. We wanted to put together a update of some of the highlights of the past two

Over the past few weeks the godess of death visited "Hope for the Children". In North America we would say they had the chicken pox. So far over 17 and one of our staff contracted them. Thanks to all the prayed for the kids they are now for the most part on the mend.

Prasad welcomes Pastor Dan

On January 29th our pastor Rev Dan Colantonio Highway Gospel Church Scarborough arrived in India for the first time. It was such a blessing to have him with us. We want to thanks Highway Gospel Church for sending him.

 On Feb 1 we started 3 nights of revival meetings with Pastor Dan as our special speaker. We saw many come forward for prayer and healing. One young man was healed of a bladder infection he testified on the second night of feeling a burning sensation in his body. After a visit to the doctor he was told that there was no infection.

 On the fist night Pastor Dan spoke on the prodigal son. With out him knowing, there was a woman in the audience who had left the church become discouraged and began to support her self as a prostitute.  On the second night that same woman lay weeping face down at the alter seeking God’s grace and forgiveness. Hallelujah!

 From February 6th to 9th we were honored to host our third Indian Field retreat. The retreat is a time for the PAOC Indian team to come together to refresh and renew ourselves. What an amazing time of fellowship with our team! 

We were extremely blessed to have Rev Peggy Kennedy as our special speaker this year. She encouraged and edified us blessed and taught us. We are so thankful to Peggy and Jack Kennedy for attending the retreat. We were also blessed to have Pastor Dan share during of the sessions.

 On January 10th Peggy and Jack Kennedy along with Pastor Dan were our special guests at our cornerstone service.  After the  service by faith we laid the cornerstone of our new church headquarters.

Some funds have some in for this project but we still have a ways to go. Construction will start in the coming weeks. Until the construction is complete we will be holding services temporally on the of the girls dormitory at Hope for the Children. If you would like to play a role in this church project contact us at prasaddawn@hotmail.com.
We are believing that God will build his church.  Please pray as we start this new project.

Looking ahead to our next update we will be filling you in on how we celebrated Easter and the great things God did. Until then may God Bless!

Prasad and Dawn

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